Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

Coban Tundo Sidoasri Sumbermanjing in the village of Malang, Places Hits And Trend in Malang, Malang Travel | Media Travel Malang Indonesia, 0812 1214 8101 (Telkomsel)

This tourist spot is relatively new in Malang. 
That is why there is hardly any tourists coming to this place. 
It is in the village of Sidoasri, District Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang. 
Untapped with the utmost in terms of promotion still needs to be improved. 
Current conditions are subject to an entry ticket to Coban Tondo.
Coban Tundo Sidoasri Sumbermanjing in the village of Malang, Places Hits And Trend in Malang, Malang Travel | Media Travel Malang Indonesia, 0812 1214 8101 (Telkomsel)

 Sumber photo :

When you see the entry of the access location has not been adequate, we need to walk or tracking towards these attractions so for those who love extreme travel destinations. Berwaran The water is blue and has a depth of 2 meters.

To achieve this, it will take about 3 hours travel time from the city of Malang.

So when will you soon towards this destination, will not be sorry

see his video:

Segera Hubungi kami, dan nikmati perjalanan Anda yang nyaman dan menyenangkan bersama
Immediately contact us, and enjoy your trip comfortable and fun together

Komunikasikan Kebutuhan Wisata Anda, Bersama Kami
Communicate Travel Needs You, With Us

Coban Tundo Sidoasri Sumbermanjing in the village of Malang, Places Hits And Trend in Malang, Malang Travel | Media Travel Malang Indonesia, 0812 1214 8101 (Telkomsel)

Media Travel
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Kantor 1.
Jl. Perusahaan no.37 C, Losawi Singosari, Malang Jawa Timur
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0812-1214-8101 (TELKOMSEL)
081-555-777-678 (INDOSAT)
0859-5437-9222 (XL)
0888-0330-0828 (SMARTFREN)

Media Travel 1: 57D3602
Media Travel 2:
Media Travel 1  :
0812-1214-8101 (TELKOMSEL)
Media Travel 2  :
081-555-777-678 (INDOSAT)

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